Created by renowned Japanese puzzle box craftsman Akio Kamei in 2000, the Cassiopeia Karakuri Puzzle Box is a stunning blend of Japanese woodworking tradition and celestial elegance. Inspired by the Cassiopeia constellation, named after the mythical Ethiopian queen, this puzzle box reflects her enduring presence in the night sky with a distinctive 'W' or 'M' shape that mirrors the constellation's outline.
The lid of the box features inlaid gemstones, artistically arranged to resemble Cassiopeia’s stars, and captures the allure of the night sky. Crafted from fine wood with a smooth finish, the box offers a tactile experience that complements its visual beauty. Opening the box requires careful observation and strategic moves, offering an engaging challenge for puzzle lovers. This piece is perfect for collectors, astronomy enthusiasts, or anyone who appreciates intricate craftsmanship.
Ideal as a gift or as a unique addition to any collection, the Cassiopeia Karakuri Puzzle Box is a timeless keepsake that celebrates Japanese artistry and the mystery of the cosmos.