The ORIGINAL GT Speedreader is back and just as fast and stealthy as ever! Built exclusively for working magicians by Garrett Thomas, this is the ultimate deck of marked cards trusted by countless professional magicians around the world.
Based on a classic Ted Lesley concept, The GT Speedreader marking system was designed to take advantage of the ways both magicians AND layman examine cards. To the trained eye, this system is incredibly EASY to read and insanely EFFICIENT! You'll be able to start using these marked playing cards right out of the box! They can be read from dealer's grip, overhand grip or even when riffling for a spectator peek.
Yet, despite how obvious the markings might seem to you, we assure you that this is 100% UNDECTABLE by spectators. The marking system is invisible to the untrained eye and is concealed when the deck is spread, making it essentially impossible for your audience to see. To them, this looks and feels like an ordinary deck of cards.
In fact, many professionals who are familiar with marked decks were not able to detect the markings until they learned the GT Speedreader system. That means you may have seen someone perform magic with these and not even known it.
- NO weird symbols or codes
- NO cheat sheets
- NO special equipment or stacks needed
- 100% undetectable by spectators (even when the cards are spread)
Every GT Speedreader Marked Deck is manufactured on superior quality stock by the USPCC with 809 Bicycle Mandolin Back.
Each deck also comes with a special marking instruction card and an exclusive marked double backer and set of Jokers.